Monday, March 14, 2011


PS3 buttons in brackets
* denotes celebrations that can be done with agile players only
Celebrations noted TBC are listed on the EA Creation Centre but buttons yet unknown


Aeroplane - press the right stick in
Arms Out - tap and hold X (O)
Arms Pointing Up - flick the right stick up then hold up
Blow Kisses - flick the right stick down the hold up
Can You Hear Me - hold the right stick left
Come On - flick the right stick left then hold right
Double Arm Swing - flick the right stick up then hold down
Ear Twist - hold Y (Δ)
Finger Points - tap and hold B (O)
Finger Wag - TBC
Fist Pump - flick the right stick right then hold left
Flying Bird - flick the right stick right then hold right
Hand on Head - flick the right stick left then hold left
Hand Twist - TBC
Head Tap - TBC
Heart Symbol - flick the right stick down then hold down
One Arm Raised - hold B (O)
Point to Sky - hold the right stick up
Shhhhhh! - hold the right stick right
Telephone - hold the right stick down
Thumb Suck - hold X (□)
Thumb Suck and Point - TBC
Two Fingers to Face - TBC
Windmill - rotate the right stick clockwise
Wrist Flick - tap and hold Y (Δ)


Arms to Crowd - hold LB (L1) and flick the right stick up and then up
Big Fist Pump - hold LB (L1) and press Y (Δ)
Bird Walk - hold LT (L2) and flick the right stick left and then left
Bottom Dance - hold LB (L1) and double tap X (O)
Bow - hold LB (L1) and flick the right stick up and then down
Brick Fall - hold LT (L2) and hold the right stick left
Cartwheel - hold LT (L2) and rotate the right stick clockwise
Cartwheel and Flip - hold LT (L2) and rotate the right stick clockwise *
Cartwheel and Roll - hold LT (L2) and rotate the right stick anti-clockwise
Chest Slide - hold LB (L1) and flick the right stick down and then up
Double Backflip - hold LB (L1) and rotate the right stick anti-clockwise *
Fall to Knees - hold LB (L1) and flick the right stick left and then left
Fall to Knees and Hold Face - hold LT (L2) and flick the right stick down and then up
Front Flip - hold LT (L2) and flick the right stick up and then up *
Hand Spring - hold LB (L1) and rotate the right stick clockwise *
Hands on Ears - hold LT (L2) and double tap X (□)
Head Shake - hold LB (L1) and flick the right stick left and then right
Heel Taps - hold LT (L2) and double tap Y (Δ)
I Can’t Hear You - hold LT (L2) and hold the right stick right
Jump Punch to Fist Punch - hold LB (L1) and press X (□)
Knee Slide - hold LT (L2) and flick the right stick up and then down
Knee Slide Arms Out - hold LT (L2) and hold the right stick up
Knee Slide Fall On Back - hold LB (L1) and the right stick down
Knee Slide Spin - hold LT (L2) and double tap B (O)
Knee Slide to Fist Pump - hold LB (L1) and press B (O)
Knee Slide to Sit - hold LT (L2) and flick the right stick down and then down
Kneel and Point to Heavens - hold LB (L1) and flick the right stick down and then down
One Knee Fist Pump - hold LB (L1) and flick the right stick right and then right
Point to Crowd - hold LB (L1) and double tap Y (Δ)
Punch and Dodge - hold LB (L1) and the right stick left
Robot - hold LB (L1) and press in the right stick
Roll and Fist Pump - hold LB (L1) and rotate the right stick clockwise
Roll to Sit - hold LB (L1) and rotate the right stick anti-clockwise
Samba Dance - hold LT (L2) and flick the right stick left and then right
Shoe Shine - hold LT (L2) and press B (O)
Shoulder Dust - hold LB (L1) and double tap B (O)
Side Slide - hold LT (L2) and hold the right stick down
Spanish Archer - hold LB (L1) and hold the right stick right
Stand and Point to Sky - hold LB (L1) and hold the right stick up
Standing Archer - hold LT (L2) and press Y (Δ)
Standing Arm Sweep - hold LB (L1) and flick the right stick right and then left
Torero - hold LT (L2) and flick the right stick up and then up
Twist Flip - hold LT (L2) and rotate the right stick anti-clockwise *
Uppercut Jump Punch - hold LB (L1) and press the right stick in
Violinist - hold LT (L2) and press X (□)
Walking Backflip - hold LB (L1) and flick the right stick up and then up *
Who Am I - hold LT (L2) and flick the right stick right and then left
Wrist Kiss - hold LT (L2) and flick the right stick right and then right


Dog Walk - hold RB (R1) and press B (O)
Prancing Bird - hold RB (R1) and press X (□)
Chicken - hold RB (R1) and press Y (Δ)
Peacock - hold RB (R1) and double tap B (O)
Slide on Back - hold RB (R1) and double tap X (□)
Pump up Crowd - hold RB (R1) and double tap Y (Δ)
Flying Dive - hold RB (R1) and hold the right stick up
Karate Kicks - hold RB (R1) and hold the right stick right
Jump Kick - hold RB (R1) and hold the right stick down
Finger Point - hold RB (R1) and hold the right stick left
Ice Skating - hold RB (R1) and flick the right stick down and then up
Boxing - hold RB (R1) and flick the right stick up and then down
Golf Swing - hold RB (R1) and flick the right stick left and then right
Push Ups - hold RB (R1) and flick the right stick right and then left
African Dance - hold RB (R1) and flick the right stick down and then down
River Dance - hold RB (R1) and flick the right stick up and then up
Moonwalk - hold RB (R1) and flick the right stick left and then left
Break Dance - hold RB (R1) and flick the right stick right and then right
Forwards Worm - hold RB (R1) and rotate the right stick clockwise
Backwards Worm - hold RB (R1) and rotate the right stick anti-clockwise
Cockroach - hold RB (R1) and press in the right stick
Telling Off - hold RB (R1) and press B (O)
Knee Walk - hold RB (R1) and press X (□)
Cradle Swing - hold RB (R1) and press Y (Δ)
Standing Backflip - hold RB (R1) and double tap B (O)
Backflips - hold RB (R1) and double tap X (□)
Baby - hold RB (R1) and double tap Y (Δ)
Many Bows - hold RB (R1) and hold the right stick up
Pardon - hold RB (R1) and hold the right stick right
Fall to Knees and Beg - hold RB (R1) and hold the right stick down
Praise on Knees - hold RB (R1) and hold the right stick left
Dance 1 - hold RB (R1) and flick the right stick down and then up
Dance 2 - hold RB (R1) and flick the right stick up and then down
Dance 3 - hold RB (R1) and flick the right stick left and then right
Dance 4 - hold RB (R1) and flick the right stick right and then left
Water Hose - hold RB (R1) and flick the right stick down and then down
Spin and Fall - hold RB (R1) and flick the right stick up and then up
Rowing on Knees - hold RB (R1) and flick the right stick left and then left
Seated Rowing - hold RB (R1) and flick the right stick right and then right
Uncontrolled Backflip - hold RB (R1) and rotate the right stick clockwise
Handstand - hold RB (R1) and rotate the right stick anti-clockwise
Dance 5 - hold RB (R1) and press in the right stick